On a personal level, we were built for times like this. We have the inner strength and courage to handle anything that gets thrown our way, whether we realize it or not. Even in the most extreme cases, as long as we have breath and hope, we can rise from the ashes of the worst situations to become better and stronger than before. Intentional Legacies was also built for times like this, to be a "port in the storm" so to speak to give you a safe and dependable place to turn during times of transition and uncertainty. We're going through changes as well and I'm writing today about a few of those changes.
First, I'm very excited about Conscious Rites - our new joint collaboration with New Myth Works to bring rites of passage services to our community. These services are really important in times of life transition and I personally think it's about time we bring them back on a cultural level. Check out what we're doing at www.consciousrites.org, and if you'd like to work with us on something in your life please let us know how we can help.
Second, our Rising Phoenix Awards team has grown considerably moving into 2015 and we're actively working on the program for release in the next couple months. The 2014 awards were awesome - congratulations to everyone that was nominated and especially the award winners. Please stay tuned at http://risingphoenixawards.org for information on the 2015 awards program and start thinking about who in your life has been positively inspirational through difficult life transitions that you'd like to nominate this year.
Finally, it's with mixed feelings that we're going to shift our focus away from proactively offering life transition workshops on a regular basis. The workshops are really good and I'm proud of how we've affected those that shared the time and energy with us, but we're going to only offer them "on request" moving forward to allow us to focus on growth in other areas. For a list of available workshops check out http://peacefulcrossings.com/upcoming-life-transition-zone-events.html, and if you on a personal or organizational level would like to schedule a workshop please drop us a note at [email protected] and we'll set something up together.
Are you feeling the shift? Are you working through multiple transitions, all at the same time, like a lot of us? If you'd like to share a brief transitional story please feel free to reply to this blog.
We were built for times like these, and we're all in this together!