As for me I'm running two businesses, keeping up with the kids, in a relationship, traveling a lot for work, maintaining the house, paying the bills, playing a little volleyball, working out, fly fishing when I can, running a major new awards contest, hanging with friends once in a while, learning to Tweet, finding a little time to meditate and read, playing with the dogs, etc, etc. You get the picture, right? Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining here - I know I'm truly blessed in many ways and I'm feeling healthy and balanced. It just seems we're all juggling a lot these days, wearing a lot of hats (so to speak), and I hear all the time that people are feeling overwhelmed and out of balance. Can you relate?
I'm really excited about leading a new Intentional YOU workshop on Sunday March 15th that goes right at this issue - it's called "Finding Life Balance Through The Tree of Me". This one has a lot to offer to pretty much everyone that's really busy - check it out at I'm co-presenting it with Leah Myers from Self Works ( and this is the first of a series of three collaborative workshops we're presenting together. If you aren't familiar with Leah or Self Works you might want to take a few minutes and see what they're about!
I fully get the irony of trying to fit a four-hour workshop into your crazy busy schedule, but keeping it all in balance is possible if you're living from your core and making intentional decisions about how and where you spend your time and energy. This is an important topic and a worthwhile investment! If this sound like something you could benefit from please go pre-register online soon, and if you know anyone else that needs it then please share this or pass it along.